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Core Concepts

Core Concepts

This section explains the fundamental building blocks of SoundFlow and how they interact to create a powerful and flexible audio processing pipeline. Understanding these core concepts is essential for effectively using and extending the SoundFlow audio engine.

Audio Engine (AudioEngine)

The AudioEngine is the heart of SoundFlow. It’s responsible for:

  • Initializing and managing the audio backend: SoundFlow supports multiple audio backends (e.g., MiniAudio), which handle the low-level interaction with the operating system’s audio API. The AudioEngine abstracts away the backend details, providing a consistent interface for higher-level components.
  • Controlling audio device settings: The engine allows you to configure parameters like sample rate, channel count, and buffer size.
  • Driving the audio processing loop: The AudioEngine runs a dedicated, high-priority thread that continuously processes audio data. This ensures real-time performance and minimizes latency.
  • Providing the root of the audio graph: The engine hosts the Master mixer, which is the starting point for building complex audio processing pipelines.

Key Properties:

  • SampleRate: The audio sample rate (e.g., 44100 Hz).
  • Channels: The number of audio channels (e.g., 2 for stereo).
  • Capability: Indicates whether the engine is configured for Playback, Recording, Mixed (both), or Loopback.
  • SampleFormat: The format of audio samples (e.g., F32 for 32-bit floating-point).
  • Backend: The currently active audio backend.
  • IsDisposed: Indicates whether the engine has been disposed.

Key Methods:

  • CreateEncoder(...): Creates an instance of an ISoundEncoder for the current backend.
  • CreateDecoder(...): Creates an instance of an ISoundDecoder for the current backend.
  • SoloComponent(...): Isolates a specific SoundComponent in the audio graph for debugging or monitoring.
  • UnsoloComponent(...): Removes a component from the soloed state.
  • Dispose(): Releases the resources used by the AudioEngine.


// Initialize a MiniAudioEngine with a 48kHz sample rate, stereo output, and 32-bit float samples.
using var audioEngine = new MiniAudioEngine(48000, Capability.Playback, SampleFormat.F32, 2);

Sound Components (SoundComponent)

SoundComponent is the abstract base class for all audio processing units in SoundFlow. Each component represents a node in a directed acyclic graph (DAG), known as the audio graph.

Key Features:

  • Modular Processing: Components encapsulate specific audio processing logic, making the system modular and extensible.
  • Input and Output Connections: Components can have zero or more input and output connections, allowing data to flow between them.
  • GenerateAudio(Span<float> buffer): This is the core method that derived classes must implement. It’s called repeatedly by the audio engine to either:
    • Generate new audio samples: For source components like oscillators or file players.
    • Modify existing audio samples: For effects, filters, or analyzers.
  • Properties:
    • Name: A descriptive name for the component.
    • Volume: Controls the output gain.
    • Pan: Controls the stereo panning.
    • Enabled: Enables or disables the component’s processing.
    • Solo: Isolates the component for debugging.
    • Mute: Silences the component’s output.
    • Parent: The Mixer to which this component belongs (if any).
  • Methods:
    • ConnectInput(SoundComponent input): Connects another component’s output to this component’s input.
    • ConnectOutput(SoundComponent output): Connects this component’s output to another component’s input.
    • DisconnectInput(SoundComponent input): Disconnects an input connection.
    • DisconnectOutput(SoundComponent output): Disconnects an output connection.
    • AddModifier(SoundModifier modifier): Adds a SoundModifier to this component.
    • RemoveModifier(SoundModifier modifier): Removes a SoundModifier from this component.


// A simple custom SoundComponent that generates a sine wave
public class SineWaveGenerator : SoundComponent
public float Frequency { get; set; } = 440f; // Frequency in Hz
private float _phase;
protected override void GenerateAudio(Span<float> buffer)
var sampleRate = AudioEngine.Instance.SampleRate;
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++)
buffer[i] = MathF.Sin(_phase);
_phase += 2 * MathF.PI * Frequency / sampleRate;

Mixer (Mixer)

The Mixer is a specialized SoundComponent that combines the output of multiple SoundComponent instances into a single audio stream.

Key Features:

  • Master Mixer: The Mixer.Master static property provides access to the default root mixer, which is automatically created by the AudioEngine. All audio ultimately flows through the Master mixer before reaching the output device.
  • Adding and Removing Components:
    • AddComponent(SoundComponent component): Adds a component to the mixer’s inputs.
    • RemoveComponent(SoundComponent component): Removes a component from the mixer.
  • Efficient Mixing: The Mixer uses SIMD instructions (when available) to perform mixing operations very efficiently.


// Create a SoundPlayer and an Oscillator
var player = new SoundPlayer(new StreamDataProvider(File.OpenRead("audio.wav")));
var oscillator = new Oscillator { Frequency = 220, Type = Oscillator.WaveformType.Square };
// Add both to the Master mixer

Sound Modifiers (SoundModifier)

SoundModifier is an abstract base class for creating audio effects that modify the audio stream. Modifiers are applied to SoundComponent instances and process the audio data on a sample-by-sample basis.

Key Features:

  • ProcessSample(float sample, int channel): This is the core method that derived classes must implement. It takes a single audio sample and the channel index as input and returns the modified sample.
  • Chaining: Modifiers can be chained together to create complex effects.

Built-in Modifiers:

SoundFlow provides a variety of built-in modifiers:

  • Algorithmic Reverb Modifier: Simulates reverberation.
  • Ambient Reverb Modifier: Creates a sense of spaciousness.
  • Bass Boost Modifier: Enhances low frequencies.
  • Chorus Modifier: Creates a chorus effect.
  • Compressor Modifier: Reduces dynamic range.
  • Delay Modifier: Applies a delay effect.
  • Frequency Band Modifier: Boosts or cuts frequency bands.
  • Noise Reduction Modifier: Reduces noise.
  • Parametric Equalizer: Provides precise EQ control.
  • Stereo Chorus Modifier: Creates a stereo chorus.
  • Treble Boost Modifier: Enhances high frequencies.


// Create a SoundPlayer and a Reverb modifier
var player = new SoundPlayer(new StreamDataProvider(File.OpenRead("audio.wav")));
var reverb = new AlgorithmicReverbModifier { RoomSize = 0.8f, Wet = 0.2f };
// Add the reverb modifier to the player
// Add the player to the Master mixer

Audio Playback (SoundPlayer, SurroundPlayer)

SoundFlow provides two classes for audio playback:

  • SoundPlayer: A basic SoundComponent that plays audio from an ISoundDataProvider.
  • SurroundPlayer: An extended version of SoundPlayer that supports advanced surround sound configurations.

Key Features (SoundPlayer):

  • Implements the ISoundPlayer interface, which defines methods for controlling playback:
    • Play()
    • Pause()
    • Stop()
    • Seek(float time)
  • State: Indicates the current playback state (Playing, Paused, Stopped).
  • IsLooping: Enables or disables looping.
  • Time: Gets the current playback position.
  • Duration: Gets the total duration of the audio.
  • PlaybackEnded: An event that is raised when playback finishes.

Key Features (SurroundPlayer):

  • Inherits from SoundPlayer.
  • SpeakerConfiguration: Allows you to define the speaker setup (e.g., Stereo, Quad, 5.1, 7.1, or a custom configuration).
  • PanningMethod: Selects the panning algorithm to use (Linear, EqualPower, or VBAP).
  • ListenerPosition: Sets the listener’s position relative to the speakers.
  • VbapParameters: Provides fine-grained control over VBAP (Vector Base Amplitude Panning) settings.

Audio Recording (Recorder)

The Recorder class allows you to capture audio input from a recording device.

Key Features:

  • StartRecording(): Begins the recording process.
  • PauseRecording(): Pauses the recording.
  • ResumeRecording(): Resumes a paused recording.
  • StopRecording(): Stops the recording and finalizes the output.
  • State: Indicates the current recording state (Playing, Paused, Stopped).
  • SampleFormat: The sample format to use for recording.
  • EncodingFormat: The encoding format to use when saving to a file (e.g., WAV, FLAC), Currently only WAV supported by miniaudio backend.
  • SampleRate: The sample rate for recording.
  • Channels: The number of channels to record.
  • FilePath: The path to the output file (if recording to a file).
  • ProcessCallback: A delegate that can be used to process recorded audio samples in real time.
  • Voice Activity Detection: The Recorder can be integrated with a VoiceActivityDetector to automatically start and stop recording based on the presence of voice activity.

Audio Providers (ISoundDataProvider)

ISoundDataProvider is an interface that defines a standard way to access audio data, regardless of its source.

Key Features:

  • Position: The current read position within the audio data (in samples).
  • Length: The total length of the audio data (in samples).
  • CanSeek: Indicates whether seeking is supported.
  • SampleFormat: The format of the audio samples.
  • SampleRate: The sample rate of the audio.
  • ReadBytes(Span<float> buffer): Reads a chunk of audio data into the provided buffer.
  • Seek(int offset): Moves the read position to a specific offset (in samples).
  • EndOfStreamReached: An event that is raised when the end of the audio data is reached.
  • PositionChanged: An event that is raised when the read position changes.

Built-in Providers:

  • AssetDataProvider: Loads audio data from a byte array (useful for in-memory assets).
  • StreamDataProvider: Reads audio data from a Stream (supports seeking if the stream is seekable).
  • MicrophoneDataProvider: Captures audio data from the microphone in real-time.
  • ChunkedDataProvider: Reads audio data from a file or stream in chunks, making it efficient for large files. It decodes audio on-demand and prefetches data to ensure smooth playback.
  • NetworkDataProvider: Reads audio data from a network source (URL). It supports both direct audio file URLs and HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) playlists. It handles playlist parsing, segment downloading, and seeking.

Audio Encoding/Decoding (ISoundEncoder, ISoundDecoder)

ISoundEncoder and ISoundDecoder are interfaces for encoding and decoding audio data to and from different formats.

  • ISoundEncoder: Encodes raw audio samples into a specific format (e.g., WAV, FLAC, MP3). Currently only WAV supported by miniaudio backend.
  • ISoundDecoder: Decodes audio data from a specific format into raw audio samples.

MiniAudio Backend:

The MiniAudio backend provides implementations of these interfaces using the miniaudio library:

  • MiniAudioEncoder
  • MiniAudioDecoder

Audio Analysis (AudioAnalyzer)

AudioAnalyzer is an abstract base class for creating components that analyze audio data. Analyzers typically extract information from the audio stream without modifying it.

Key Features:

  • Analyze(Span<float> buffer): An abstract method that derived classes must implement to perform their specific analysis.
  • Integration with Visualizers: Analyzers are often used in conjunction with IVisualizer implementations to display the analysis results visually.

Built-in Analyzers:

  • Level Meter Analyzer: Measures the RMS (root mean square) and peak levels of an audio signal.
  • Spectrum Analyzer: Computes the frequency spectrum of the audio using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
  • Voice Activity Detector: Detects the presence of human voice in an audio stream.

Audio Visualization (IVisualizer)

IVisualizer is an interface for creating components that visualize audio data. Visualizers typically don’t modify the audio stream but instead render a graphical representation of the data.

Key Features:

  • Name: A descriptive name for the visualizer.
  • ProcessOnAudioData(Span<float> audioData): This method is called by the audio engine to provide the visualizer with a chunk of audio data to process.
  • Render(IVisualizationContext context): This method is called to render the visualization. It receives an IVisualizationContext instance, which provides drawing methods.
  • VisualizationUpdated: An event that is raised when the visualization needs to be redrawn (e.g., when new audio data has been processed).

Visualization Context (IVisualizationContext):

This interface provides a set of drawing methods for rendering the visualization. The specific implementation of IVisualizationContext will depend on the UI framework you are using.

Built-in Visualizers:

  • Level Meter Visualizer: Displays a level meter that shows the current RMS or peak level of the audio.
  • Spectrum Visualizer: Renders a bar graph representing the frequency spectrum of the audio.
  • Waveform Visualizer: Draws the waveform of the audio signal.